Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Questions from the desk

Karen Munro points out the following in her Nov 7, 05 posting:
"Interestingly, our library just issued an annual report profiling the reference services here in Knight Library. They used real, live reference questions submitted by us (the librarians) as examples of the kind of work we do here. Some of those questions were taken from this very blog! I guess that more or less settles the issue of how we feel about making patrons' requests public."

So, here are some questions from the past few days:
*How do I find this journal? Asked in a variety of ways, shapes and forms.
*Science Direct doesn't let me register. What should I do? [GRRRR. Isn't there some way to let patrons know that they have to sign in from]
*In our chemistry lab on the use and preparation of iron oxalate we have an equation that we have to balance. Our lab TA said that the correct answer was in an article in the Science Library. We've tried Google Scholar and some of the NLM sites and we can't find it. [I tried Sci Finder Scholar, and couldn't get on, of course. But, INSPEC worked. Go figure. Those wacky physicists.]
*How do I print? Can I print later?
*Where is the photocopy machine? Where are the other photocopy machines, as there is a line for the single working one.
*I'm an artist and I want to understand the science of light (and color, too). [The call number range starts QC355....]

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