Friday, October 19, 2007

Fall 2007 - part II

*Where do I find peer reviewed articles on GMO (genetically engineered, transgenic, etc.) things?
* Where do I find articles on the genetic basis for sexuality?
* Where are the photocopiers?
* Articles on the use of omega 3 fatty acids and female athletes.
* How do I make a graph using Excel 2007?
* Where is this Russian journal from the 1950s? Where are the ones from the late 1940s?
* Can we check out an Xbox 360 and Guitar Hero?
* I need information on transforming energy into different kinds of energy. Where can I get that?
* Do you have photos of the bicep and tricep from the side?
[There were lots of them, but I forgot to write them down and now they are gone forever]

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